What did Vikings wear, really? A historically accurate womens’ Viking costume
What DID Vikings wear? Not the History Channel show costumes, but real, authentic, historically accurate Viking age womens clothing. The Viking age clothing we have is literally scraps, so the answer is . . . we don't know. But I'm gonna sew a Viking dress anyways, and talk about why historically accurate Viking clothing is a myth-- because there's so much we don't know about what the Vikings really wore.

Comparing Victorian fashion magazines to Cosmo
Fashion magazines like Cosmopolitan and Harper's Bazaar aren't new, they've existed since Victorian times! But what do they tell us about fashion history, and about what life was like over a hundred years ago? I compared two modern "womens" magazines to two Victorian ones : Godey's Ladies' Book from 1857, and Harper's Bazar from 1897, to see how different fashion magazines and the parts of life they talked about are— or aren't.

What did medieval Jews wear? 13th and 14th Century Hair and Veil tutorial
Medieval women in Europe wore veils according to Christian custom, but what about medieval Jews? Jewish women in the middle ages wore veils over their hair too, and were required to wear ones with a double blue and white border in 13th century Italy. As a Jewish woman who likes medieval dress, this seemed like a great addition to the 14th century medieval hair tutorial and veil demo I'd been planning!